2022 Winter School of Clinical Research

Our 2022 winter clinical research training starts in the first week of February 2022.

1. Live Zoom Lectures

The following courses will be given as live Zoom lectures during the 5 weeks:

C1: Introduction to Clinical Research Methodology (3/4/5/6 Feb)

C2: Introduction to Medical Statistics on SPSS (10/11/12/13 Feb)

C3: Sample Size Calculation (18/19 Feb)

C4: How to Write and Publish Research (25/26 Feb)

C5: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (3/4/5/6 March)

2. Recorded Video Lectures

The 5 courses are currently available as recorded video lectures. If you register at any time, you will have access to the courses seasons: Summer 2019, Summer 2020, Winter 2021, and Summer 2021. You can study the course multiple times.


Regardless of whether you prefer the Zoom Live Lectures or the Recorded Videos, you will have access to both once your register for the training.

Studying the records before the live zoom lectures is recommended to maximize the benefit from the course.


To register, fill this registration form: https://forms.gle/QWWMQsRMKc6Ug72LA

For more registration options, check the course page here:

For inquiries or more information, contact my course coordinator, Ahmed Hassan, at ncrt@negida.com


There are limited scholarships available for students who can not afford the courses’ fees and need partial or full waivers. Further information on the scholarships can be found here on the scholarships page: https://academy.negida.com/scholarships